What Brother Ray Has To Say
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Jewish book and star
Foot Note
Jesus was A Jew ?

by Ray LeRoux


The Word of God is rich in abundance beyond measure, a spiritual gold mine literally without comprehension.

Students of the Word were wowed when Bible scholar Chuck Missler (and others) pointed to the secondary and previously hidden meaning of the seemingly simple genealogy given in Genesis 5:3-32 (and in 1 Chronicles 1:1):  Adam, Shet, Enosh, Keinan, Mahalal'el, Yered, Hanokh, Metushelach, Lemekh, Noach.

Every Hebrew name has a meaning. Every Hebrew word is based on three core letters, three as in the triune nature or essence of God. 

Translating the meaning of the 10 generations sited in both Genesis and Chronicles, we come to this message: “Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow. The blessed One shall come down, teaching. His death shall bring the despairing rest and comfort.”

In simplest meaning, the list of generations gives us the essential message of the Word of God.

(In any other order, the message would not be the same. Was this coincidence? Hardly. The rabbis have long taught us there are NO coincidences in the bible, in the Word, or in God Himself.)

We learned from this discerning insight that there are many, many more pieces of God's wisdom and message to us in the Word of God than we can and do imagine.

Lists of generations, or genealogies, are not simply a list of hard to pronounce names that have bored bible readers for generations. There are NO wasted words in scripture. All scripture is given for our benefit, every jot and tittle. As we have learned from Genesis 5 and Chronicles, there are messages worthy from the Lord, worthy of our study and contemplation.

Engaged in such study, we learn several things. God has engineered and crafted His Word in both simple and intricate ways, given us with built in shields to protect the Word from the onslaughts of that great bible student and believer, Satan. We learn that the Word and Yeshua are in every message, every book, every page – IF we have the discernment to look and see and hear.

It can be said that there yet remain many revelations throughout the Word that still can be found, as yet undiscerning. Unfortunately most scriptural commentaries are of men, with all the limitations of man. Many if not all commentaries bring with them the biases of the commentators AND the man made genealogy of their spiritual forebears, denominations, seminaries. Wise, often. True, often. Inerrant, absolutely not. Complete, not yet.

The wise student of the Word trusts only in the Comforter, given us by God through His Son, as our help in discerning the word.  Read commentaries. Use them. Benefit from them. But do NOT be limited or constrained by them.

Genesis 5, 10

There are so many jewels in the crown of God's Word. The long laborious genealogies are often simply skipped over. Wrong. Two examples. First, in Genesis 5, 10 names are given in a precise sequence: Adam, Shet, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Yered, Hanokh, Metushelach, Lemech and Noach.
Hard to pronounce. 

First each Hebrew name had a meaning. Each Hebrew letter had a numerical meaning (only Greek and Hebrew do so). The 10 names cited above mean in English:

Adam -          Man
Shet-              appointed
Enosh            mortal
Kenan            sorrow
Mahalalel      the Blessed Lord
Yered             shall come down
Hanokh          teaching
Methusaleh     His death shall bring
Lemech          the despairing
Noach             rest or comfort

Put those English meanings together in a sentence:  Man is appointed moral sorrow. The Blessed Lord shall come down teaching. His death shall bring the despairing rest and comfort.

Exactly the message of the entire Word of God.

The second example of the many, many jewels to be found in the Word of God is this:

In John's account of the death of Yeshua, we are told Pilate had the following sign made   to be put on the cross. Jesus of Nazareth, king of the Jews. And the priests and Pharisees were horrified. But Pilate wouldn't change the sign and said “I wrote what I wrote”.  Why were the Judean leaders so appalled? In Hebrew the sign read:    Yeshua HaNazrit, V'melki, HaYudaeoi.  Look at the first letters of the four words: YHVH (Yod Hey Vav Hey). That is EXACTLY the “tetragammatron” of “The Four Letters”, the name of God Himself, Yahweh. Pilate was putting a sign over Yeshua on the cross that said literally “here is God”. 

Yet a third example. In English, at the Last Supper, Yeshua took the “bread” and broke it. The Hebrew word is “matzah.”  Matzah is flattened (or beaten), it has brown spots (or bruises), it has holes (has been punctured).  Each of these characteristics very clearly full fill old testament prophecies of what the true anointed one, or messiah, would go through.

There are literally thousands of other gems and jewels within the Word of God - IF one takes the time to prayerfully inquire and explore.  This effort will make you rich beyond belief. AND bring you closer to Yeshua our lord and Saviour.

A very heavy majority of English speaking preachers and teachers lack serious background in the Word of God. They are the products of seminaries who have preconceived ideas, teachings, doctrines which may or may not be based in sound scripture.  Ask any preacher or teacher, seminary trained or not, who are his teachers, what doctrines he follows. Inquire if they are man made or based soundly in scripture.

The renowned Rabbi Hillel, when asked how many Torahs there were, answered TWO, the written Torah and the oral Torah - the first God given and the second the product of learned teachers, i.e., man made. (The Hebrew word for “tradition” is “takanot”. This simply means MAN MADE. )
The Word of God is God made. The oral traditions of men are NOT.  We must ask God's help (through the Spirit) which is which. We are to observe, trust and obey the first and ALWAYS be sceptical of the second.

Roman Catholic “tradition” holds that when there is confusion as to what the Bible, i.e., the Word of God, means and who to follow if the Word of God differs from the position of the “church”, the answer has been and still is the position of the church holds first place. The orthodox church position is the same. And so, unfortunately, is the positions of too many protestant churches.

Rabbi Sha'ul ha Tarsus, aka Paul, said it best in Acts 17:11,  To paraphrase: Don't believe a word I (or anybody else) say: search the scriptures (the Word of God) diligently.

Two of the greatest contemporary teachers of the Word of God are Chuck Missler in America and David Pawson of Britain. Both are in their 80s. Both are absolutely men of God, saints amidst us. And they differ on some fundamental issues. Chuck Missler was begot of Hal Lindsey who is one of the best known graduates of the Dallas Theological Seminary. That school is a product of scholars who have followed the Schofield King James study bible. That bible came from John Nelson Darby of England who came out of the Brethren Church. Each of these sources came with doctrinal positions, mostly sound, but many frankly man made.  David Pawson also came a Brethren background, was once pastor of England's largest Baptist church. He became a “charismatic”.He has moved away from that as well. Both Missler and Pawson have said they have regretted spending so much of their walk with the Lord hamstrung by “denominational” issues, dogmas, doctrines and restraints. There is great wisdom in their journeys. But as each would tell you, as Paul said, trust and believe no one, search everything in the Word of the Lord.

In studying the Word of God,  here are some helpful hints:.

1)be sure the Word in accurate in the old testament and Jewish roots of Yeshua our Lord and Saviour,
2)be aware of the inherent, even if unwitting, anti-Semitism still within many parts of Christianity,
3)know that there are heavy influences of Greek culture and philosophy (ALL man made) within what passes for Christian bible doctrine; know this is often different from what was understood in Yeshua's middle eastern culture,
4)recognize that ALL study bibles contain man made prejudices and opinions that should be very cautiously considered,


Having been truly inspired by the hidden (or secondary meaning) of the generations from Adam to Noah before, students of the Word have been given a “hint” (or “remez”) to take a more careful look at other lists of generations or genealogies in the Word. Sad to say, there has been too little of this type of study even though there are many available.  Because something has not yet been mentioned in popular commentaries does not mean all of the Word has been dissected and discerned. Far from it or as the Word says, heaven forbid. Is seeking the Word of god “adding to” to the Word.  Hardly. Heaven forbid.

A case in point. The more we study the Word, we find that every man's cross references in the New Testament to Old Testament sources is, at best, incomplete. It is as if we are like the three blind men trying to describe the elephant. One sees the hairy and limp tail. Another sees only the hard tusks. The third sees the semi hard and semi limp trunk.

All of this brings us to the list of the 11 sons born of King David AFTER he moved into Yerushalayim, or Jerusalem, THE city of peace, the city where David's descendant would come and live and reign for 1,000 years.

2 Samuel 5: 14-15 tells us King David had 11 sons born in Jerusalem.

Shamua, Shovav, Natan, Shlomo, Yivchar, Elishua, Nefeg, Yafia, Elishama, Elyada and Elifelet.

(In the King James Version, they are Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon, Ibhar, Elishua, Nepheg, Japhia, Elishama, Eliada and Eliphalet.)

We were intrigued when coming across these 11 names. Was there a message here in the manner of the ADAM-NOAH list? Traditional commentaries were and are silent. But that, in and of itself, is, at best, incomplete and in the language of the vernacular not to be taken as Gospel.

So on we went to translate the 11 names of David's Jerusalem born sons into our English.

What a joy we found.

Shamua means “the one who heard”.

Shovav means “the recalcitrant” or “apostates” or “fallen” or more simply “sinners”.

Natan means “gift”.

Shlomo means “his peace”.

Yivchar means “he will choose”.

Elishua means “my God is deliverance”.

Nefeg means “casualty, wounded”.

Yafia means “to shine forth”.

Elishama means “God hearing” or “God is my salvation”.

Elyada means “a knowing God”.

Elifelet means “God is my salvation” or as we know it “Jesus saves”.

(Remember – Hebrew has NO vowels. Verbs are often inferred rather than explicitly stated.)

Let;s go forward and see what the 11 names of David's Jerusalem born sons mean in our language.

What is says is this:

God heard (or hears) (the prayers and supplications) (of) sinners (of man). He made (or will make) a gift (of Jesus Christ) of peace (the sinless state). He chose a deliverer (who will be/is) a sacrifice to shine forth. God heard, is all knowing and who is my/our liberation.

Just as in the hidden meaning of Adam through Noah (in both Genesis and Chronicles), the listing of the 11 Jerusalem born sons of David gives us – again – the essential gospel message. The 11 sons are named in a particular order, clearly by design – God's design – for our benefit. The message could not be given if the order of the names of the sons were in any other order. A coincidence? Remember, there are NO coincidences in the Word. The Word is perfect. It is inerrant.

What a blessing. What a discernment. What a gift.

Does this message – in the names of David's 11 Jerusalem born sons – flesh out the Word?  Certainly. Did God place this here for us to find? Why else would he have done so?

This message in 2 Samuel 5 is a blessing as was the list of names from Adam to Noah in Genesis (and Chronicles). Are there others in the Word? Absolutely.

The study of the Word is the process of moving from “milk” to “meat” in our walk with God.

Are there other messages in the lists of names in the Word of God?  Have all the messages in the Word been found already? Or are there more to be found? Is it worthwhile to look at the other lists and see if there are more messages? Assuredly so. Have we exhausted the joys and lessons in the Word? 

There are many more than decent tools available in our technological age to readily find the meaning of the Hebrew names listed throughout the Tannakh (or old testament) and even in the names given in the Brit Hadasshah (the new testament).

Remember Yeshua told us that every jot and every tittle in the Word, in Torah, was placed there for a purpose and none is to be discarded. Yeshua tells us He came to fulfil the Word.

Read the word. But not only read it, pray on it, study it, think about it. Then DO it.

We are promised joy unspeakable to be in union with Yeshua and the Father. That joy can and does begin now. And it is found in the word.


by Ray LeRoux

For most believers, the endless list of genealogies in Scripture are dull, boring, unpronounceable and appear to be just taking up space. How very wrong.
We were so excited initially to discover that the string of 10 names from Adam to Noah in the Book of Genesis - when simply understanding the meaning of the original Hebrew names - carried for us a message. Not a message, but THE message that promised that Yahweh would send Yeshua to us (in His time) to wipe away sin, to restore us (at least those willing) to the Garden, to one-ship with the Father.
As we moved along in the Old Testament, we began to explore the possibility of more messages in the listing of names. The result we have found is that most if not ALL genealogies contain additional messages or promises to us.
Scripture has been so marvellously, wonderfully crafted that we find nothing is extraneous, every word has a purpose. Secondly, we have discovered that the series of messages is consistent - every one pointing to Yeshua ha Messhiach, the anointed one.
We have made it a study to go on past the insights in the Genesis genealogies to explore the genealogies in the other old testament books. Each has a message in the English language translations of the original meanings of the Hebrew names. A complete study will take much time and exploration. Frankly, there is little in the traditional commentaries to help us along. It seems there has been precious little exploration  in the literature. To be sure, most New Testament age scriptural studies have been seriously deficient in in depth knowledge of the Old Testament. Some of this deficiency is deeply rooted in "replacement theology - the concept that the "law" has been done away with, that "Christianity" has replaced the old testament, neglecting Yeshua's clear statement that He had not come to do away with or replace Scripture or the Torah or the Law.  Much of the new testament traditional commentary frankly flies in the face of the commandment to put on the WHOLE armour of the Word, both Old and New Testaments.
As we have explored, in a most elementary way, the old testament genealogies, the thought has come that perhaps these messages in the names was continued in the New Testament as well.
The Gospel of Matthew begins with a series of three genealogies, three lists of 14 names giving the genealogy of Yehoshua, the anointed one. As teacher Jacob Prasch has noted, the first list of 14 is NOT totally inclusive. There were others in the line, but these first 14 names -from Abraham to David - were particularly cited and, it seems beyond a shadow of a doubt, mentioned for a particular reason by the author of the Word, who, we now know from the Gospel of John, was Yehoshua Himself.
So here are the first set of 14 names: Abraham, Yitz'chak, Ya'akov, Y'hudah, Peretz, Zerach, Hetzron, Ram, 'Amminadav, Nachshon, Salmon, Bo'az, Oved, Yishai leding to David. (Hebrew transliterations from the David Stern Complete Jewish Bible.)
(In English language scriptures, the names are: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob - changed by God to Israel -, Peretz, Zerah, Hezron, Ram, Amminadab, Nashon, Solomon, Boaz, Obed and Jesse.)
Note that Matthew begins the genealogy of Yeshua from Abraham, NOT Adam. Matthew's gospel was written FIRST to the chosen people (see "to the Jew first") to establish that Yeshua/Jesus did indeed fulfill every old testament prophecy and promise of his direct descendent from David.
So what is the contemporary English language equivalence or meaning of these 14 selected names. Hang on to your hats.
Abraham - exalted father
Yitz'chak - may God smile
Ya'akov/Israel - heel and persevere with God
Y'hudah - celebrate(d) or praise(d)
Peretz - break through or burst forth
Zerach - glowing
Hetzron - (the dart of) joy
Ram - high, tall, lofty, exalted, supreme
'Amminadav - my kingdom is noble
Nachson - prepared, owner of, threshing floor
Salmon - a peaceful MAN
Bo'az - quickness, swiftness (of horse)
Oved - servant, (faithful) worshipper
Yishai - God exists, God's gift
David - beloved

Let us remember here Hebrew is written in consonants only, is written without punctuation, no commas, no periods. Verbs and articles are implied and not specifically mentioned, but in Hebrew understood in the reading. That being said, let us put the meaning of the first 14 names in the very first chapter into a thought or message.

(The) exalted Father (God/Yahweh) (will/has) smiled (on those who) persevere with Him. (The) celebrated one (Yeshua) (will) burst forth, glowing, (in) joy, supreme. (Our) kinsman (a man) is regal (the king), a man of peace, (He comes) swiftly, (a/the) Servant, (God's) GIFT.

The message is clearly this: Yahweh smiles on the faithful. His anointed one bursts forth, shining, in joy, the King. The anointed one is a man, a man of peace. He comes quickly. Our servant. God's gift.

We will note there is a difference between "exegesis" and "eisegesis", two long words best understood by theological "experts". Exegesis in simple terms means what the Word simply and clearly states. Eisegesis also in simple terms means what one reads into the plain and simple Word.

Are we, when we explore the genealogies, imposing our personal eisegesis upon the exegesis, or reading something into the Word that may or many not be there. We do NOT thinks so. Hebrew names have meaning. (In addition, every Hebrew letter has a numerical value.) The names have simple clear meanings. Because the normal non Jewish (or non Hebrew speaking/writing) believer does NOT know what the words mean in the original text and as originally given from God does not mean that the simple meaning does NOT exist.

Once again, the genealogy meanings carry a message. It is the same message/prophecy/truth from Genesis throughout scripture, from beginning to end. It is the message of Ye, the anointed one Yeshua. They form a glue that puts the "whole armour of God" together. Scripture is, in essence, the story of Yeshua. He is in every page of the Word.

Are these messages "accidental". Hardly. As the ancient rabbis/teaches have long held, there are NO accidents in the Word.


1. There is more, much more, in the Word for us to discover.
2. Tradition and commentary is as often as not terribly incomplete.

3. As Bereans, we are to search the Word diligently. (Acts 17:11)
4. We have tools at our disposal believers in the past have NOT had. Simple tools like Google, where we can find the meaning of those confusing, often unpronounceable names in Scripture.
5. Our guide to the Word is none other - none other - than the "comforter", The Holy Spirit, the fountain of wisdom and truth.
6. To put on the "whole armour of God" we are obligated to go beyond just passively waiting for someone else - particularly NOT simple men -to explain the Word to us, but to individually seek out the Word.
7 Our growing "discernment" is not only that in genealogies there might be a message but that more and more there is the conclusion there IS a message here for us. When in Timothy we are told that ALL Scripture is given to us for benefit, we are told a fundamental truth.

We will, as God gives us the time and encouragement, continue in these genealogy studies in the days and weeks to come. We hope that you have or will share in the joy of these messages and pray that they will deepen your love of the One who so clearly has loved us so much, that we may be one with Him (as He is with the Father) (See John 17).

Amen and blessings to you all. And finally as both Yeshua and John have commanded us: little children, love one another.


by Ray LeRoux

The "New Testament" begins with the Gospel of Matthew. The Gospel of Matthew immediately begins with his (Matthew's) recounting of Yeshua's (Jesus) genealogy or list of ancestors.

Matthew, who's name was mattiyahu ben levi in Hebrew, was a "tax collector". For this job, he had to have very good skills in keeping records, a skill put to use in his gospel writing narrative.

(In those days in the Roman Empire, an influential Roman, sometimes a senator, would bid on a regional or countrywide contract to collect taxes. The winner bidder paid cash and then added his contract acquisition costs on top of the taxes to recover both his investment and a guaranteed profit. Local tax collectors bid on the right to collect taxes, paying another price, again added into the cost of doing business. Matthew had the business in Galilee, a very rich crossroad on a major Roman highway. As might be expected, the tax collector was disliked and reviled by the locals, particularly if the tax collector was a Jew collecting money from other Jews for the hated Romans.)

Matthew's genealogy began with Abraham and ended with Jesus. Other gospel genealogies began with Adam rather than Abraham. The writer's goals were different. Matthew, a Jewish student of Rabbi Yeshua, wanted to prove to his fellow Jews that Yeshua satisfied all of the "old testament" promises that the redeemer would come from the House of David.

Teacher Jacob Prasch has pointed out that Matthew's genealogy is correct but not inclusive. That means sometimes the list of ancestors went from grandfather to grandson and some names were omitted. That is true. Why the skips? Why were some names omitted? Was there a design by the author of the Word in the exact listing of those names that were used? The omissions drew our attention, particularly in the repeated use of Torah and historical genealogies which clearly gave us a message - a message for us English or non Hebrew speakers that is hidden but would not have been so hidden to the Jewish community then or to Hebrew speakers.

Matthew's list is in three sets of 14 for a total of 42 names. Six sets of seven if you will.

Seven in Hebrew denotes completeness. Six is for man. Man works six days and rests on the seventh with God - as in creation week. The seventh or final day is for Shabbat (the Sabbath) when man rests with God. The study of the meaning of numbers in Hebrew is called gematra.

We will remember that the English meaning of biblical names often has a meaning, many ordained by God Himself. Miriam, Yehoshua's mother, was told by an angel what name to give to her son. God himself changed Avram's name from Avram to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah (the added H in those two names represented the Hebrew letter Hey. Hey was originally written as two hands held heavenward to God. In Hebrew it is the symbol of the spirit, hence God was putting His spirit into Avram and Sarai), Ya'akov to Israel and so on.

Note how many Hebrew names end in EL or AH, El for Elohim and Ah for Adonai. That alone tells us the given name for many if not most scriptural names in our English would have a meaning RELATED TO GOD.

NOTE TO OUR READERS: Even the name of cities have meanings and are to be studied, i.e., Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) means the city of Peace. Peace means a place without sin, as Jerusalem will be when Yeshua (Jesus) comes again. This means there will be no sin - or sinners - allowed in His city when He comes.

In an earlier segment of this study, we pointed out what the first set of 14 names meant in Hebrew:


(THE) exalted father (God) (will) smile (on those who) who persevere with God. (The) celebrated (one) will burst forth, glowing (the shekinah glory) in joy, supreme. (My/our) kinsman (a man) (will be) regal (a king), a PEACEFUL man, quick (soon), swiftly, a servant, God's gift (to us).  (Words in parenthesis are IMPLIED in Hebrew as are vowels which are not written.


Let's move on to the second set of 14 names:

A man of peace, who enlarges the people, a gift from Yahweh, a healer (through whom) Yahweh will teach and judge. The saviour is perfect and complete, possessing the name, strength and power. He (Yeshua) will cause (God) to forget (sin). (He IS) the builder and teacher, is supported of the Father. Through Him (Yeshua) Yahwel will enable (or fortify) His people.


And finally the third set of 14 names:

I asked God for this child, His son and redeemer, the son of the world (a man) and father (Yahweh) is the Glory.  From Him (the Father) arises a helper (the saviour). (He is) just (whom God) made in His glory (for) assistance. The saviour is His gift, present, offering to the followers/faithful. He (Yahweh) brings forth a saviour.

Now finally, let's put the three messages given in each set of 14 names into a complete message, a message which would have been clear to Hebrew speaking hearers or readers in the days when Mattityahu ben levi was writing his Gospel. They form a complete message of the Gospel and a total description of Yeshua the chosen saviour, promised in the Torah.

So here we have it. As in our other genealogy reflections, far from being a boring recitation of (for us) difficult names, the individual words of the Word appear carefully crafted, divinely engineered, to give us a message that literally explodes with meaning, with joy, with proof that prophecies and God's promises are always being kept exactly as promised. This exciting message would not have been lost on the first readers of the gospel.

(Jerusalem in those days was estimated at between 100,000 and 120,000 men, women and children. We are told in scriptures that there were "tens of thousands" of believers in Yeshua. Far from the picture we've been given in replacement theology that the Jews (or more properly Judeans) had forsaken Yeshua, we find that many believed.)

Matthew’s readers, many in synagogues, would have gotten the message. (The apostles and early teachers could not have taught in synagogues if they were not faithful Torah believers).

This ends this segment of our look into genealogies. What have we learned?

1) There are NO boring or meaningless pages, even words, the God's Word.

2) Every page, every line, every word is worthy of our study (Acts 17:11 - search the Word).

3) Just because we have little knowledge of the original language of God's Word, that is NO excuse to skip over the original meaning, of what it meant to the people for whom the Word was given to first.

4) We must diligently search out our Hebrew roots in order to better understand and discern the Word of God.

5) Nothing in the Word is accidental (the rabbis were correct when they said early on that there are NO accidents in the Word, or to put it positively, everything in the Word was put there for a purpose.

6) If these glimpses into the Word are different from your traditional (man made) background, you might do well to question your traditional background or mindset and determine if what you have been taught is from man or from the Word.

7) The more we have studied the Word itself, we have found only untold joy and excitement, blessings galore. The study of the Word is pure, profound, and always brings us closer to the Living Word, the Living Torah, Yeshua Himself.  Amen, even so, COME Lord Jesus.


by Ray LeRoux

In Revelation 7, we learn that the 144,000 witnesses will include 12,000 from each of 12 tribes: Y'hudah, Re'even, Gad, Asher, Naftali, M'nasheh, Shim'on, Levi, Yissakhar, Z'vulon, Yosef and Binyamin.
We note that when the 12 tribes of Israel are mentioned in the Word, the list is not always identical. Some are omitted sometimes and others listed that were not
mentioned before. Some tribes have several branches so there are always 12 tribes.
As you know, we have always been intrigued by the genealogies in the Word. Far from being a boring list of unpronounceable names, the genealogies almost always have a not so hidden message - if one takes the time to discover the English meaning of the original Hebrew names. (We have yet to find a genealogy that does NOT contain a message.)
In every case, the message in the names points to Yeshua the Messiah, Jesus Christ in English.
The 12 names in Revelation are no different.
Here is the message:
Rejoice. Praise God. Behold there IS a son. Happiness. He will cause you to forget and fight the struggle(s) (tribulation). Hear Him. Accompany (believe in) Him. Study His Word (Torah)to exalt His lofty house. May Yahweh give increase (through) My son at My right hand.
Surely this is THE message the 144,000 will evangelize to the world in the last
What a wonderful message.
Studying the genealogies in the Word is not as difficult as it might seem
particularly in these days of the internet. You can type in any Hebrew name, in
either the original Hebrew or in the Anglicized version, under Google and there are a wealth of sites that tell you the names and their meanings.
It is surprising that no one has done a complete study of the genealogies as
yet,perhaps because most Christians are not as familiar with the old (and new)
testaments as they might be. We hope the Lord gives us more time to continue these study efforts and to share them with you.

Prayers and blessings to all.

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